Daytime Layover in Hong Kong
This August I had a conference to attend in Thailand and with any trip it’s always an exciting thing to see where a layover might put us. For this trip, Emily, Tessa and I had about 12 hours to kill during the day in Hong Kong. We arrived very early in the morning and decided to rest up a bit before we found the bag drop and bought bus tickets for the city. By shortly after 7AM we were loaded onto a red double decker bus at $33HKD each (about USD$4) for an hour-long ride to the Kowloon waterfront area.
I generally try to research places before I go, but with a few hours in Hong Kong I just wasn’t sure what to do. I asked a local employee at the airport used to dealing with people like me and he suggested we simply take the bus to the big downtown arts district area where we could enjoy walking around and seeing some sights. A capital idea! With the rain, quite a few of the outdoor options didn’t sound good.
While April to June are considered the wettest times of year, the last day of July 2019 had us ducking into a 7-11 for umbrellas. Before the shops opened we were able to enjoy a lovely stroll along the waterfront where I wished I was more of a buff in Chinese cinema and Bruce Lee. Our only task was to wander and do our best at staying dry. Breakfast was had at a local eatery where we had little clue what we were doing, but enjoyed it anyway. I was surprised to see what looked like a full-on run at Starbucks inside a McDonalds.

By late morning we stumbled upon the lovely Kowloon Park but we just didn’t have the time to explore properly (see below).

With random passersby warning us of the impending typhoon, the first of the season, it seemed wise to complete our downtown self-guided tour as the wind picked up and began to turn umbrellas inside out.
We were so enjoying being in a tropical lush environment once again. Emily just couldn’t help but picture what her life would look like living here. She was sure this was the place for her, just as London and Rome were.