Snowshoeing at Timberline Lodge
This COVID-19 disruption is just that. But one of the positive results of many, many cancelled engagements is that the great outdoors become much more available. I had planned to attend a ministry event for 2 days this past weekend, but with that no longer on the calendar we threw together a quick trip for the Well Hiking Group (from church).
Destination: Timberline Lodge. Activity: snowshoeing. Trail: Timberline Lodge to Zigzag Canyon
We carpooled from southeast Portland to Mountain Sports in Welches where we had reserved via email 7 snowshoes with poles. The pickup was simple, all sizes were ready, and the $15/ea better than what we could get elsewhere. From there we headed straight to Timberline Lodge, chains freshly purchased from Les Schwab “just in case”.
After strapping in, we set off to the beginning of the trail I remembered from summer. Everything looks completely different in the winter, as it turns out, and even having my GPS didn’t help matters. There truly was no trail to follow, so we plugged along crossing ski slopes and aiming in the general direction of where the summer trail once was, and would be again.
After a few hours, we were back at the lodge for hot drinks, tired and happy. Yes, we had wandered with no real destination. I like to think our purpose was just to be together, no matter if we had a clear turnaround point or not. :) But next time I think I’ll head to the Barlow Pass Sno Park, or use the actual snowshoe trail which I only realized was there after the fact.