below are selections of my favorite video projects
(in order of more recent to older)
Faithful Friends
A Portland-based non-profit that matches volunteer mentors with children who want a mentor. I have been communications manager for Faithful Friends on a half-time basis since mid 2021.
This story features Patrice and Harmonee, a mentor and mentee, and was used in 2022 for our annual Be a Rock in a Child’s Life fundraiser.
This is more of an informational video using b-roll and a voiceover script I recorded myself to share about the core values of Faithful Friends.
Adventure Racing
The Teton Ogre Adventure Race 2021
Adventure Racing mixes trekking, boating, mountain biking, and orienteering with map and compass. This event features an 8-hr version, or 24-hr race. I participated as a solo racer in the shorter race while filming and photographing the longer race. This combines both races into one overview of the event.
From a 2020 local race put on by Bend Racing in central Oregon.
As part of a team of photographers and videographers volunteering at the race, I submitted clips that were chosen in the overall race recap.
In 2021 I worked on the media team for this multi-day international adventure race. Selected clips were included in this recap video.
Trinity Academy
I have been blessed to participate in the unique and wonderful community that is Trinity Academy in North Portland. Two of my children have attended, and I was able to serve as head Cross Country coach for several years. My work with them in media often includes covering plays, concerts, promotional work and even occasional photo shoots.
In the cases where I film a play or concert, I generally set up with two cameras and try to make a quick edit and work alone to keep costs as little as possible for clients on a budget like Trinity.
In 2020 I helped Trinity produce a series of short interview testimonials covering parent’s unscripted perspectives on a variety of topics.
refugee focus
Most recent first: Jubilee Hall (2020), Refugee & Immigrant Hospitality Outreach (2019), African Family Holistic Health Organization (2019), Portland ESL Network (2019)
Jubilee Hall is due to open in 2023 as a meeting place for the community centered around the NE Burnside and 122nd area of Portland. It will be a non-profit coffee and tea shop training immigrants and refugees in the food and customer service industry. This video mixes original footage and stock with voiceovers from board members.
In 2020 I was hired by Refugee Volunteer Organization to produce a short feature on RIHO.
In 2019 the African Family Holistic Health Organization offered training to their Swahili-speaking community to prepare them for an earthquake disaster. This is a visual overview of the event to share with stakeholders and includes an interview in Swahili with English subtitles.
This video features a volunteer telling her story of involvement with the Portland ESL Network. I also included b-roll video that others submitted from their lesson time.
Evangelical Church Pacific Northwest
Four stories of how the Evangelical Church of the Pacific Northwest is building bridges and crossing cultures by embracing foreign-born followers of Jesus living in the community looking for a place to belong. While not an easy road, the commands of scripture are clear and in this 5 minute video 4 U.S.-born pastors and 3 foreign-born pastors share their experiences and encouragement.
Birch Community Services
Based in Portland, this non-profit provides food, clothing and financial education to qualifying families. As part of the program, this project qualified for my volunteer hours.
Multnomah University
The Masters of Arts in Global Development and Justice needed a promo video.
Little Zebra Books
a 2015 production for an NGO based in South Africa that produces original booklets in local languages of southern Africa
Joshua Project
a 2008 production focusing on the Muslim Yawo of Mozambique and Malawi used in Christian missions capacity, as seen on the Joshua Project site, to understand how much access to the gospel a specific people group has